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Jonathan Brecko

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Collections patrimoine naturel
  • Mathys, A.,  Pollet, Y.,  Gressin, A.,  Muth, X.,  Brecko, J.,  Dekoninck, W.,  Vandenspiegel, D.,  Jodogne, S. & Semal, P. 2024. ‘Sphaeroptica: A tool for pseudo-3D visualization and 3D measurements on arthropods’. PLOS ONE 19(10):e0311887: 1-32. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0311887. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/385172236_Sphaeroptica_A_tool_for_pseudo-3D_visualization_and_3D_measurements_on_arthropods  I.F. 2.9.
  • Brecko, J. & Pauwels, OSG. 2024. ‘Biofluorescence in Morelia, Malayopython and Python: first reports for the Pythonidae’. Herpetology Notes. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/384862224_Biofluorescence_in_Morelia_Malayopython_and_Python_first_reports_for_the_Pythonidae  I.F. 0.71.
  • Węgrzyn, K.,  Pauwels, OSG.,  Brecko, J. & Georgalis, G. 2024. ‘Vertebral morphology and intracolumnar variation of the iconic African viperid snake Atheris (Serpentes, Viperidae)’. The Anatomical Record 1-37. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/ar.25579.  I.F. 2.2.
  • Pauwels, OSG. & Brecko, J. 2024. ‘Book review. Guide des Serpents d’Afrique Occidentale, Centrale et d’Afrique du Nord’. Herpetological Review 54(4): 700-702. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/383394745_Book_review_Guide_des_Serpents_d'Afrique_Occidentale_Centrale_et_d'Afrique_du_Nord  I.F. 0.48.
  • Brecko, J. & Pauwels, OSG. 2024. ‘Biofluorescence of the Crocodile Skinks, genus Tribolonotus: first report in Scincidae’. Herpetology Notes 17: 411-418. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/381639536_Biofluorescence_of_the_Crocodile_Skinks_genus_Tribolonotus_first_report_in_Scincidae  I.F. 0.71.
  • Das, S.,  Greenbaum, E.,  Brecko, J.,  Pauwels, OSG.,  Ruane, S.,  Pirro, S. & Merilä, J. 2024. ‘Phylogenomics of Psammodynastes and Buhoma (Elapoidea: Serpentes), with the description of a new Asian snake family’. Scientific Reports 14: 9489. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-60215-2. URL: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-60215-2#citeas  I.F. 4.6.
  • Pauwels, OSG. & Brecko, J. 2023. ‘Book review. Guide des Serpents d’Afrique Occidentale, Centrale et d’Afrique du Nord’. Herpetological Review 54(4): 700-702. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/383394745_Book_review_Guide_des_Serpents_d'Afrique_Occidentale_Centrale_et_d'Afrique_du_Nord  I.F. 0.9.
  • Pauwels, OSG.,  Brecko, J.,  Baeghe, D.,  Venderickx, J.,  Vanderheyden, A. & Backeljau, T. 2023. ‘Morphological, acoustic and genetic identification of a reproducing population of the invasive African clawed frog Xenopus laevis (Anura, Pipidae) recently discovered in Belgium’. Zookeys 1184: 41-64. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1184.103702. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/375633190_Morphological_acoustic_and_genetic_identification_of_a_reproducing_population_of_the_invasive_African_clawed_frog_Xenopus_laevis_Anura_Pipidae_recently_discovered_in_Belgium  I.F. 1.3.
  • Brecko, J. & Pauwels, OSG. 2023. ‘Biofluorescence of the Mottled Shovel-nosed Frog, Hemisus marmoratus: First report for Hemisotidae’. Herpetology Notes 16: 723-725. DOI: https://www.biotaxa.org/hn/article/view/82826/7864. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374530231_Biofluorescence_of_the_Mottled_Shovel-nosed_Frog_Hemisus_marmoratus_First_report_for_Hemisotidae  I.F. 0.336.
  • Bauer, A.,  Fenner, K.,  Dazza, J.D.,  Pauwels, O.S.G & Brecko, J. 2023. ‘Bones of a Giant: the osteology of the extinct Cape Verdean skink Chioninia coctei’. 22nd European Congress of Herpetology. Book of abstracts. (PR)