Répertoire du personnel
On Ying Adilia Yip
Anthropologie culturelle & histoire
Culture & Société
Culture & Société
Yip, A. 2023. ‘Re-sounding the museum instrument collections through artistic experimentation’. In: Monika Żyła (ed), Glissando. Series ‘Diversity. Curating’, vol. 43. Warsaw : Fundacja 4.99, pp. 98-103. (PR)
Yip, A. 2023. ‘Restitution of the musical instrument collection through participatory creative action’. In: Sarah Van Beurden, Didier Gondola, and Agnès Lacaille (eds), (Re)Making Collections. Origins, Trajectories & Reconnections. Series ‘Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities’, vol. 181. Tervuren : RMCA, pp. 255-264. (PR) ISBN: 9789464596366.
Yip, A. 2023. ‘Re-sounding the Azande manza xylophone collection through a DIY replica instrument and artistic experimentation’. Gisa Jähnichen (ed), Studia instrumentorum musicae popularis viii (New series). Berlin : Logos Verlag. ISSN: ISSN 2191-5261. (PR).