Répertoire du personnel

Damien Delvaux de Fenffe

Damien Delvaux de Fenffe
Département: Sciences de la Terre
Service: Géodynamique et ressources minérales
Fonction: Géologue
Spécialités: Géodynamique du rift est-africain et du Bassin du Congo, tectonique active et risques sismiques, ressources pétrolières
Email: damien.delvaux.de.fenffe@africamuseum.be

2001 - 2002 : Courses in informatics (programming, databases, web development,..)

10/1988 : Ph.D. in Geology - Mineralogy (Université Catholique de Louvain / Petrofina,S.A.), Thesis in organic geochemistry applied to petroleum exploration

1976-1980 : Ms.C. in Geology - Mineralogy (Université Catholique de Louvain), Thesis in structural geology in the Ardennes massif


11/2023 - present : Head of service: Geodynamics and Mineral Resources Unit – Royal Museum for central Africa
01/2015 - present : Editor in Chief of the Journal of African Earth Sciences
03/2013 - present : Statuary Research scientist – Royal Museum for central Africa
01/2004 - 02/2013 : Research scientist – Royal Museum for central Africa
04/2002 - 12/2003 : Consultant
08/2001 - 03/2002 : IT Project Manager - Atos Origin S.A.
03/2001 - 07/2001 : Invited Research Fellow – University of Amsterdam
08/1989 - 02/2001 : Research Scientist – Royal Museum for central Africa
08/1987 – 07/1989 : Research Assistant - Université Catholique de Louvain
06/1986 – 07/1987 : Military service - Reserve officer in the Reconnaissance troops
06/1982 – 05/1986 : Petroleum geochemist – Petrofina research center (4 years contract)
04/1981 – 05/1982 : Field geologist - Ministry of National Education


FNR Award for Outstanding Scientific Publication 2009 (Fonds National de la Recherche, Luxemburg), for the paper Calais et al. (Aseismic strain accommodation by dyking in a youthful continental rift, East Africa. Nature 456, 7223, 783-787, 11 December 2008).
50th anniversary award of the Belgian Petroleum Institute (Brussels, 1991)
Laureate of the Concours des bourses de voyage, Belgian Ministry of Education (1982)
Paul Fourmarier Award (Liège, 1981)


Dr. Damien Delvaux is Geologist and Consultant at the Royal Museum for central Africa in Belgium, working on geodynamics of intracontinental rift systems, sedimentary basins and orogens, with emphasis on brittle structural evolution, active tectonics, sismotectonics and petroleum systems, currently in East and Central Africa.

Le Dr. Damien Delvaux est Géologue et Consultant au Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale à Tervuren en Belgique, travaillant en géodynamique intracontinentale des systèmes de rift, bassins sédimentaires et orogènes, actuellement en Afrique centrale et de l'Est. Il s'intéresse en particulier à l'évolution structurale cassante, la tectonique active, la sismotectonique et les systèmes pétroliers.

Research topics in tectonics and structural geology, paleostress, neotectonics, paleoseismology, sismotectonics, regional geology, petroleum geology, basin analysis, in the form of publicly funded research and cooperation projects and privite-public partnerships

Working interest in Cenozoic rift zones and sedimentary basins (East African, Dead Sea, Baikal), intracratonic basins (Congo Basin), Precambrian mobile belts (East Africa, Baikal areas), fold-and-thrust belts (North Variscan front, Lufilian Arc in Katanga), active mountain belts (Altai and Tien-Shan mountains), passive margins (West-Congo)

Project management in Central & East Africa (DRC, Tanzania…), Central Asia (Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, W-China), and Middle East (Jordan).

Development of the Win-Tensor program for fault-kinematic analysis and paleostress reconstructions.
Tensor software web site : http://www.damiendelvaux.be/Tensor/tensor-index.html