Bantu Lexical Reconstructions 3

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MAIN b&a H (N 5/6) oil-palm
1   palmier à huile
  Total Distribution: Regions: 2: NW SW Zones: 5: B C H K R
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MAIN 1 b&a H N 5/6 oil-palm B C H K R

MAIN b&a H (N 9/10) enclosure, house, yard
2   enclos, maison, cour
  Total Distribution: Regions: 3: Ce NE SE Zones: 6: E F G M N S
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MAIN 2 b&a H N 9/10 enclosure, house, yard E F G M N S
REF 3 mb&a H N 9/10 house
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MAIN 3628 j`Umb&a LH N 9/10 house C E F G J N P S

MAIN b&a H (V) dwell, be, become
4   habiter, être, devenir
  Total Distribution: Regions: 5: NW SW Ce NE SE Zones: 16: A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R S
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MAIN 4 b&a H V dwell, be, become A B C G H J M N P S
DER 145 b&eek H V put; put away C E F G S
DER 200 b&IIk H V put away; put; bury; lay eggs D E F G J K M N P R S
DER 327 b&UUk H V wake up; rise up; go away; fly away E F G H J K L M N P
DER 5844 b&IIk H V stand up; wake up L
DER 5846 b&IUk H V get up J R
DER 5847 b&IIko H__ N 14 depositing; stock J M
INC 201 b&IIk H V put away, store
INC 202 b&IIk H V lay (eggs)
INC 203 b&IIk H V bury
INC 325 b&UUk H V rise up; wake up
INC 326 b&UUk H V rise up
REF 163 b&I H V irr be, become
REF 228 b&iUk H V rise up
REF 3703 baIk V put, store

MAIN b&ab H (V) be bitter; smart; itch; be sharp; sting; hurt
5   être amer; avoir mal; démanger; être pointu; piquer; blesser
  Total Distribution: Regions: 5: NW SW Ce NE SE Zones: 16: A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R S
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MAIN 5 b&ab H V be bitter; smart; itch; be sharp; sting; hurt B F G H J L M N P S
DER 8 b&ab H V singe, burn; cauterize; singe the hair; carve sp. A H J L M R S
DER 9 b&abUd H V singe, burn; cauterize; singe the hair C D F H J K L M N P R S
DER 10 b&abUk H V be singed, be burned F H J K L M N P
DER 8788 b&abad H V suffer sp.; pity D J
DER 8789 b&abadId H V pardon; pity J S
DER 8790 b&ab`ad`o HLL N suffering, pain D J S
DER 8791 b&abagUd H V burn sp. L M
DER 8794 b&ab`i HL N plant: Urticaceae: Urera tenax S
DER 9669 b&abad`i H_L N 10 pity, kindness J
INC 6 b&ab H V sting, smart
INC 7 b&ab H V itch
VAR 4074 badi N 9 mercy E G

MAIN b`a`ab&a LLH (N 1a/2) father
12   père
  Total Distribution: Regions: 4: NW Ce NE SE Zones: 9: C E F G J L N P S
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MAIN 12 b`a`ab&a LLH N 1a/2 father C E F G J N P S
DER 3693 baaba N 1a mother E L
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MAIN 9428 p`ap&a LH N 1a father C S