Tervuren Xylarium Wood Database

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(Blanco) Merrill.

Familia: Dipterocarpaceae
Species name according to: Sp. Blancoanae, 271 (1918).
Accepted standard name: this name is accepted
Shorea squamata (Turcz.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex DC.;
Features and microscopic photographs from Inside Wood database
Local and/or commercial names
Name Language Region Country Source
abaungon Coster (1993)
adamai Coster (1993)
alam Coster (1993)
balabak Coster (1993)
colorado Coster (1993)
daa Coster (1993)
danulan Coster (1993)
engkabang layar Coster (1993)
engkabang rambai Coster (1993)
gugumkun Coster (1993)
kaliaan Coster (1993)
lagisan Coster (1993)
lauan gangauan Coster (1993)
lauan malasinoro Coster (1993)
lauan pula takak Coster (1993)
lauan rojo Coster (1993)
light red meranti trade group http://www.prosea.org/
lobok Coster (1993)
malabalabang Coster (1993)
malakakan Coster (1993)
mandarana Coster (1993)
manggacharica Coster (1993)
mayapis Philippines http://www.prosea.org/
mayapis lauan Coster (1993)
mentalun Coster (1993)
oghayan Coster (1993)
pura bikol Philippines http://www.prosea.org/
tabak tagalog Philippines http://www.prosea.org/
tengag ubanan Coster (1993)
ubanan Coster (1993)
Specimens available at the Tervuren Xylarium