Comparative Bantu Pottery Vocabulary

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57 items matching your criteria

  • obudôngo"
    Language code: J13 Language: nkore
    Translation: building mud
  • enywêro"
    Language code: J13 Language: nkore
    Translation: long-necked clay drinking vessels
  • okuka:ta"
    Language code: J13 Language: nkore
    Translation: to knead clay, to puddle a wet mixture of earth
  • ekis&Kgisiro"
    Language code: J13 Language: nkore
    Translation: small pot to make porridge
  • enyu:ngu-eng&oya"
    Language code: J13 Language: nkore
    Translation: pot to make millet bread
  • enyu:ngu"
    Language code: J13 Language: nkore
    Translation: general term for clay pots
  • esofor&Kya"
    Language code: J13 Language: nkore
    Translation: metal pan