Comparative Bantu Pottery Vocabulary

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  • -ny&Kg&a;
    Language code: J15 Language: ganda
    Translation: squeeze, press
  • -k&olòk&ot&a"
    Language code: J15 Language: ganda
    Translation: to scrape, scrape off
  • ètt&og&er&o"
    Language code: J15 Language: ganda
    Translation: large vessel for beer making
  • èky$ot&erèz&&o"
    Language code: J15 Language: ganda
    Translation: pot with hole in the body used to fumigate milk in the "ekyanzi" in order to give it a particular aroma
  • àkàzîng&o"
    Language code: J15 Language: ganda
    Translation: the portion of clay you take from a a lump
  • `ekìzîng&o"
    Language code: J15 Language: ganda
    Translation: 1. first coil which is put on the base of the pot while modeling; 2. a very big akazingo
  • -k&ulùng&a;
    Language code: J15 Language: ganda
    Translation: 1. to make round; 2. to roll, trail
  • -l&and&a"
    Language code: J15 Language: ganda
    Translation: to plane (schaven)
  • -n&a&az&a"
    Language code: J15 Language: ganda
    Translation: to wash (sb. else)
  • -s&Ks&Kr&Kz&a"
    Language code: J15 Language: ganda
    Translation: to smooth