Comparative Bantu Pottery Vocabulary

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17 items matching your criteria

  • enva"
    Language code: J16 Language: soga
    Translation: vegetable pot
  • nsua"
    Language code: J16 Language: soga
    Translation: water pot, pot for storing beer
  • ndeku"
    Language code: J16 Language: soga
    Translation: calabash or gourd, which is used as a water-bottle or beer-bottle on a journey.
  • luwendo"
    Language code: J16 Language: soga
    Translation: cup by which water or beer is got out of the nsua or water-pot. (gourd, calabash)
  • kita"
    Language code: J16 Language: soga
    Translation: beer-vessel, being a large calabash, grows somewhat like a pear, being a kind of a fruit. The inside being sof is scooped out and so is made hollow. When dried in the sun, it becomes pretty hard
  • eitaka"
    Language code: J16 Language: soga
    Translation: soil, earth
  • oku-kanda"
    Language code: J16 Language: soga
    Translation: to knead