Les géoressources : contribution majeure au développement durable de l'Afrique centrale (Burundi, RD Congo, Rwanda, Rép. Congo) - Phase 2
Georesources for Development - GeoRes4Dev
Slow-moving LAndslides in Changing TrOpical landscapes: dynamics and hillslope connectivity from SpacE
Bunkeya plurielle. Histoire et archéologie d'une capitale du 19e siècle au sud-est de l'Afrique centrale
Bunkeya Plurielle
The Uganda Schistosomiasis Multidisciplinary Research Center
Monitoring the trade of exotic animals, wild meat and the pathogens they carry
L’Afrique centrale face aux Aléas
Pollination services as a tool to study interactions between agriculture and Man and the Biosphere Reserves in South Africa
Towards a Belgain Expert Centre for the Identification of Biological Specimens and Products of Policy Concern
ReSoXy - Faire résonner le patrimoine musical de la collection de xylophones du MRAC
Be-MUSIC - Un accès plurivocal au patrimoine musical belge