Répertoire du personnel

Florias Mees

Sciences de la Terre
Environnements de surface et gestion des collections
  • Mees, F. 2022. ‘An overview of the type mineralogy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo’. Mineralogical Record 53: 787-805.
  • Mees, F. 2020. ‘Een overzicht van de type mineralogie van Katanga’. Geonieuws 45: 206-218.
  • Malotki, E.,  Vandenberghe, D. & Mees, F. 2014. ‘The significance of Upper Sand Island depictions’. Blue Mountain Shadows 50: 24-28.
  • Huyghe, D.,  Vandenberghe, DAG.,  De Dapper, M.,  Mees, F.,  Claes, W. & Darnell, JC. 2012. ‘Premiers témoignages d”un art rupestre pléistocène en Afrique du Nord : confirmation de l”âge des pétroglyphes de Qurta (Egypte) par datation OSL de leur couverture sédimentaire’. In: Huyge, D., Van Noten, F. & Swinne, D. (eds), The Signs of Which Times ? Chronological and Palaeoenvironmental Issues in the Rock Art of Northern Africa. Brussels : Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences, pp. 257-268.
  • Decrée, S.,  Deloule, E.,  De Putter, T.Dewaele, S.Mees, F. & Marignac, C. 2011. ‘SIMS U-Pb ages for heterogenite from Katanga: implications for the genesis of a major Co deposits’. Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts. Mineralogical Magazine. Book of abstracts, 75 (3). 733.
  • Decree, S.Dewaele, S.Mees, F. & De Putter, Th. 2010. ‘Genesis of supergene Co and Cu deposits in the Katanga Copperbelt (DRCongo)’. 20th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association. Book of abstracts.
  • Decree, S.De Putter, Th.Dewaele, S.Mees, F. & Yans, J. 2008. ‘Genèse et caractérisation de l”hétérogénite (Katanga, RDC), un minerai de cobalt aux multiples implications environnementales et sanitaires’. Colloque international " La quête des ressources en Afrique Centrale". Book of abstracts.
  • De Putter, T.,  Baele, J.,  Decrée, S.Dewaele, S.Mees, F.,  Yans, J. & Kaputo, A. 2008. ‘Characterization and genetic constraints on Cu-Co secondary ores in the Katanga (DRC) Copperbelt - part one: copper oxidized ores’. 22nd colloquium on African Geology, 13th conference of the Geological Society of Africa, knowledge solidarity development, November 04-06 2008, Hammamet-Tunisia. Book of abstracts.
  • Decrée, S.De Putter, T.Dewaele, S.Mees, F. & Yans, J. 2008. ‘Geochemical characterization of Cu-Co ores in the Katanga - part 2: preliminary results on Co oxidized ores’. 22nd colloquium on African Geology, 13th conference of the Geological Society of Africa, knowledge solidarity development, November 04-06 2008, Hammamet-Tunisia. Book of abstracts.