Florias Mees
Oppervlaktemilieus en collectiebeheer
Oppervlaktemilieus en collectiebeheer
Mees, F. 2022. ‘An overview of the type mineralogy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo’. Mineralogical Record 53: 787-805.
Mees, F. 2020. ‘Een overzicht van de type mineralogie van Katanga’. Geonieuws 45: 206-218.
Malotki, E., Vandenberghe, D. & Mees, F. 2014. ‘The significance of Upper Sand Island depictions’. Blue Mountain Shadows 50: 24-28.
Huyghe, D., Vandenberghe, DAG., De Dapper, M., Mees, F., Claes, W. & Darnell, JC. 2012. ‘Premiers témoignages d”un art rupestre pléistocène en Afrique du Nord : confirmation de l”âge des pétroglyphes de Qurta (Egypte) par datation OSL de leur couverture sédimentaire’. In: Huyge, D., Van Noten, F. & Swinne, D. (eds), The Signs of Which Times ? Chronological and Palaeoenvironmental Issues in the Rock Art of Northern Africa. Brussels : Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences, pp. 257-268.
Decrée, S., Deloule, E., De Putter, T., Dewaele, S., Mees, F. & Marignac, C. 2011. ‘SIMS U-Pb ages for heterogenite from Katanga: implications for the genesis of a major Co deposits’. Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts. Mineralogical Magazine. Book of abstracts, 75 (3). 733.
Decree, S., Dewaele, S., Mees, F. & De Putter, Th. 2010. ‘Genesis of supergene Co and Cu deposits in the Katanga Copperbelt (DRCongo)’. 20th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association. Book of abstracts.
Decree, S., De Putter, Th., Dewaele, S., Mees, F. & Yans, J. 2008. ‘Genèse et caractérisation de l”hétérogénite (Katanga, RDC), un minerai de cobalt aux multiples implications environnementales et sanitaires’. Colloque international " La quête des ressources en Afrique Centrale". Book of abstracts.
De Putter, T., Baele, J., Decrée, S., Dewaele, S., Mees, F., Yans, J. & Kaputo, A. 2008. ‘Characterization and genetic constraints on Cu-Co secondary ores in the Katanga (DRC) Copperbelt - part one: copper oxidized ores’. 22nd colloquium on African Geology, 13th conference of the Geological Society of Africa, knowledge solidarity development, November 04-06 2008, Hammamet-Tunisia. Book of abstracts.
Decrée, S., De Putter, T., Dewaele, S., Mees, F. & Yans, J. 2008. ‘Geochemical characterization of Cu-Co ores in the Katanga - part 2: preliminary results on Co oxidized ores’. 22nd colloquium on African Geology, 13th conference of the Geological Society of Africa, knowledge solidarity development, November 04-06 2008, Hammamet-Tunisia. Book of abstracts.