
Jean-Michel Basquiat et l'Univers Kongo

From 7 September to 19 November 2022, the Gradiva gallery proposes, under the title of the exhibition Résonance, Jean-Michel Basquiat et l'Univers Kongo, an unprecedented aesthetic experimentation. It invites the visitor to be guided by emotion in the formal dialogue it establishes between the drawings of Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960-1988) and powerful Nkisi Nkonde power figures from the Kongo cultural sphere from the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren. The exhibition offers an insight into the works and their souls.


The Kongo section of the exhibition was entrusted to Julien Volper, curator of the Royal Museum for Central Africa, and Bernard Dulon, an expert in ancient African art.

Some twenty remarkable 'nail fetishes', anthropomorphic and zoomorphic Nkisi Nkonde statues (Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo and Angola), have been selected from the museum's collections and are being shown to the public for the first time. This selection is complemented by a number of special loans to meet the needs of the exhibition.


Scenography: René Bouchara.

Curators: Romain Brun, Alexandra Dubourg, Bernard Dulon, Julien Volper.


The exhibition is presented by the Gradiva gallery, in collaboration with the Bernard Dulon and Enrico Navarra galleries.

It was conceived with the support of the Royal Museum for Central Africa.

Extra muros exhibition
From Monday to Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.

Galerie Gradiva

9, quai Voltaire

75007 Paris

