La Réserve de Biosphère de Luki en RD Congo

Laboratoire vivant de recherche sur les écosystèmes forestiers


Bhely Angoboy Ilondea

A relic of the Mayombe forest, the Luki Biosphere Reserve is home to an important natural heritage. Since 1937, experiments have been carried out on tropical forestry, forest management, forest ecology, climatology, monitoring of tree growth and phenology, the behaviour of tree species and the enrichment of savannahs with forest species. Most of these experiments are still visible in the field and have acquired great scientific value because they have lasted for a long time. They are currently used as a reference for studies on the forests of the Congo Basin in the context of climate change. 


About the speaker

Bhely Angoboy Ilondea is a researcher at the Institut National pour l'Etude et la Recherche Agronomiques (INERA) in the Democratic Republic of Congo. He has been working for more than 10 years in the Luki Biosphere Reserve where he is interested in forest dynamics and the resilience of tropical forests in the Congo Basin in response to climate change. He recently defended his PhD thesis entitled Phenology and growth traits governing forest dynamics of tropical tree species communities: experimental data based on the Luki Man and Biosphere Reserve, DRCongo at Ghent University.



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12.30 - 13.30


In French (slides in English)

Free, but registration is mandatory


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