Après la colonisation : comment commémorer les morts?
Maarten Couttenier, Georgine Dibua, Kalvin Soiresse
Moderator: Baudouin Mena Sebu

Until 6 March 2022, the AfricaMuseum hosts the exhibition Human Zoo. The age of colonial exhibitions. During the Belgian colonial period, millions of Congolese were victims of violence. In Belgium, Congolese were exhibited in human zoos. At least fourteen of these Congolese died in Antwerp (1894) and Tervuren (1897).
On Wednesday 12 January 2022 at 7.30 p.m., doctoral student Baudouin Mena Sebu (University of Antwerp) will enter into discussion with historian Maarten Couttenier (AfricaMuseum, Congo tentoongesteld), Georgine Dibua (Bakushinta) and Brussels MP Kalvin Soiresse (Ecolo).
The following questions are central: what do we know today about the (fatal) victims of colonisation? How do governments and museums play a role in the commemoration? What initiatives are the African diaspora taking?
As part of the exhibition Human Zoo. The age of colonial exhibitions, the AfricaMuseum presents a series of discussions on the exhibition, (de)colonisation and (anti)racism.
Free but registration is mandatory.