Painful past, heavy legacy

Aspha Bijnaar & Jana Kerremans


From 9 November 2021 to 6 March 2022, the AfricaMuseum presents the exhibition Human Zoo. The age of colonial exhibitions. The exhibition is an opportunity for the museum and FARO, the Flemish support centre for cultural heritage, to have a conversation about how to deal with a painful past. Why is it important to pay attention to colonial history? How can historical knowledge reach a new and young audience?

On Wednesday 24 November at 7.30 p.m., culture and heritage expert Jana Kerremans will talk to the Surinamese-Dutch sociologist Aspha Bijnaar. Since 2006 she is founder and director of EducatieStudio, specialised in making colonial history accessible. Since 2021, Dr. Bijnaar has also been the director of the foundation Musea Bekennen Kleur. This organisation investigates which steps museums can take to promote diversity and inclusion in the museum world.


As part of the exhibition Human Zoo. The age of colonial exhibitions, the AfricaMuseum presents a series of discussions on the exhibition, (de)colonisation and (anti)racism.

> Programme of the MuseumTalks


With the technical support of Stream Media.




In Dutch
