Tervuren Xylarium Wood Database

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(Willd.) H.E. Moore

Familia: Arecaceae
Species name according to: Gentes Herbarum; occasional papers on the kind of plants 9(3): 286. 1963.
Accepted standard name: this name is accepted
Oreodoxa acuminata Willd.; Acrista monticola O.F. Cook; Aiphanes praga Kunth; Euterpe acuminata (Willd.) H. Wendl.; Euterpe andicola Brongn. ex Mart.; Euterpe andina Burret; Euterpe aphanolepis Burret; Euterpe brevivaginata Mart.; Euterpe chaunostachys Burret; Euterpe dasystachys Burret; Euterpe frigida (Kunth) Burret; Euterpe globosa Gaertner; Euterpe haenkeana Brongn. ex Mart.; Euterpe manaele (Mart.) Griseb. & H. Wendl. ex Griseb.; Euterpe megalochlamys Burret; Euterpe microspadix Burret; Euterpe montana Graham; Euterpe oocarpa Burret; Euterpe pertenuis L.H. Bailey; Euterpe praga (Kunth) Spreng.; Euterpe purpurea Engel; Euterpe tobagonis L.H. Bailey; Euterpe trichoclada Burret; Euterpe zephria Dugand; Oenocarpus caracasanus Mart.; Oenocarpus frigidus (Kunth) Spreng.; Oenocarpus utilis Klotzsch; Oreodoxa frigida Kunth; Oreodoxa manaele Mart.; Prestoea allenii H.E. Moore; Prestoea dasystachys (Burret) R. Bernal, Galeano & An. Hend.; Prestoea gregalis L.H. Bailey; Prestoea megalochlamys (Burret) H.E. Moore; Prestoea montana (Graham) G. Nicholson; Prestoea sabana L.H. Bailey; Prestoea trichoclada (Burret) Balslev & An. Hend.;
Specimens available at the Tervuren Xylarium