Mineralogy Database
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297 samples matching your criteria
Sample n°16830 : layered crustMinerals: CHRYSOCOLLA MALACHITE PSEUDOMALACHITEYear: 2011Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°283 : bandedMinerals: KATANGITE (plancheite) MALACHITE CHRYSOCOLLAYear:Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°284 : veinsMinerals: CHRYSOCOLLA CHALCOCITE MALACHITEYear: 1916Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°285 : nodulesMinerals: CHRYSOCOLLAYear: 1912Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°354 : cement in a brecciaMinerals: MALACHITE CHRYSOCOLLAYear: 1911Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°506 : shiny nodulesMinerals: CHRYSOCOLLAYear: 1924Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°630 : glassy, with conchoidal fracturesMinerals: CHRYSOCOLLAYear: 1924Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°658 : vitreous mass with conchoidal fractures (chrysocolla), shiny light blue nodules (katangite)Minerals: CHRYSOCOLLA KATANGITE (plancheite)Year: 1922Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°661 : shiny black core (tenorite), surrounded by Cu-silicate crustsMinerals: TENORITE CHRYSOCOLLA DIOPTASE KATANGITE (plancheite) PLANCHEITEYear: 1926Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°742 : red block, crust of green needles (malachite), blue surface layer (chrysocolla)Minerals: CHRYSOCOLLA CUPRITE MALACHITEYear: 1927Country: Congo (RDC)