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35 names beginning with 'N'
Nansen, Fridtjof
Napier, Sir Robert
Nash, A.
Nasmyth, James
Nathanson, Dr. Richard
Neeckx, Georges
Nelson, Henry
Nelson, Louisa
Nelson, Nick
Nelson, Robert Henry
Nevill, Lady Dorothy
Nevill, Meresia
New, Rev. Charles
Newnes 1759,
Newton, M. E. M.
Newton, Robert S.
Ngaliema 903,
Nicholl, James A.
Nicholls, John
Nicol, W. J. W.
Nicot, V.
Nilis, Théodore
Nisbet, Thomas
Nobili-Vitelleschi, J.
Noe, Lewis Hulse
Noel, Roden
Noidans, Comte Charles de
Norris & Gilbey
North, Colonel John Thomas
Nourrit, Marie
Novikoff, Olga
Nubar, Pasha
Nulty, John