Catalogue of the Library of Independent Congo

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488 items matching your criteria

  • La prière du serviteur malmené.
    Year: 2002
    Author: WA LIMU
  • Un civil dans la guerre en R-D Congo. L'errance d'un déplacé-réfugié du Sud-Kivu.
    Year: 2006
    Author: WA NYASA MUNYAAS ; N'SANDA BULELI L. (préface de)
  • Undressed women against Mobutu of Zaïre and Arap Moi of Kenya. African taboo used to fight dictatorship and its security forces.
    Year: 1996
    Author: WA YASAK Esabele
  • Essays on the Theory and Practice of Imperialism.
    Year: 1979
  • Human Rights in the Great Lakes Region of Africa: Will Uganda Survive the NRM ?
    Year: 1997
    Author: WADADA NABUDERE Dani
  • A Congo story from Oslo. Reflections on the absence of an exotic art market in Norway.
    Year: 2001
    Author: WAEHLE Espen
  • A propos des emprunts congolais.
    Year: 1962
    Author: WAELBROECK Michel
  • Svensk FN-trupp i Kongo 1961-1962.
    Year: 1980
    Author: WAERN Jonas
  • L'épopée de Kalamba Mukenge. Naissance du peuple Lulua.
    Year: 2002
  • Les défis de l'intervention. Programme d'aide internationale et dynamiques de gouvernance locale dans le Kinshasa périurbain.
    Year: 2013
    Author: WAGEMAKERS Inge