Répertoire du personnel

Nils Bourland

Biologie du bois
  • Kasongo, E.Bourland, N.,  Ewango, C.,  Van Acker, J. & Beeckman, H. 2015. ‘Evolution of Entandrophragma population growth dynamics of the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve to the rescue of sustainable forest management’. International Symposium on Wood science underpinning tropical forest ecology and management, 26-29/5/2015. Book of abstracts. 1 p.
  • Fétéké, F.,  Fayolle, A.,  Dainou, K.,  Fonty, E.,  Bourland, N.Dié, A.,  Lejeune, P.,  Doucet, J.-L. & Beeckman, H. 2015. ‘Seasonal and phenological effects on two semi-deciduous species tree growth in the south-eastern Cameroon’. International Symposium on Wood science underpinning tropical forest ecology and management, 26-29/5/2015. Book of abstracts. 2 p.
  • Bourland, N.De Ridder, M.,  Van den Bulcke, J.,  Fétéké, F.Toirambe, B.,  Van Acker, J. & Beeckman, H. 2015. ‘The use of tree-ring data, coupled with population structure, to improve the management of an endangered tropical timber species’. International Symposium on Wood science underpinning tropical forest ecology and management, 26-29/5/2015. Book of abstracts. 1 p.
  • Morin-Rivat, J.,  Bentaleb, I.,  Biwolé, A.,  Bourland, N.,  Bremond, L.,  Daïnou, K.,  Fayolle, A.,  Gillet, J.-F.,  Gorel, A.,  Gourlet-Fleury, S.,  Hardy, O.,  Livingstone Smith, A.,  Oslisly, R.,  Vleminckx, J.,  Beeckman, H. & Doucet, J.-L. 2014. ‘Records of human activity during the late Holocene in the soils of the African dense humid forest’. European Geosciences Union, 27/4 - 2/5/2014. Book of abstracts, 16. Vienna (Austria), 1 p.