Samenleven met/zonder racisme
Omar Ba, Amina Odofin, Priscilla Keuppens - Naima Charkaoui
Moderator: Salomé Ysebaert
Until 6 March 2022, the AfricaMuseum is hosting the exhibition Human Zoo. The age of colonial exhibitions. The exhibition pays special attention to the link between colonialism and racism. The display of Africans in human zoos was a racist phenomenon that also took place in various Belgian cities. But what about contemporary racism in Belgium? Why is a political action plan against racism important? And how can citizens support the anti-racism movement?
On Wednesday 2 February 2022, the museum organises a discussion with diversity consultant Omar Ba, European project officer Amina Odofin (LEVL) and Priscilla Keuppens (youth advisor at the Flemish Youth Council). The evening starts with an introduction by author Naima Charkaoui about racism, wounds and resilience. Moderator is Salomé Ysebaert (AfricaMuseum).
On Saturday 29 January 2022 Naima Charkaoui will be signing her book 'Racisme: over wonden en veerkracht'/'Racisme: une histoire de blessures et de résilience' in the museum.
As part of the exhibition Human Zoo. The age of colonial exhibitions, the AfricaMuseum presents a series of discussions on the exhibition, (de)colonisation and (anti)racism.
Free but registration is mandatory.