Tervuren Xylarium Wood Database

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Familia: Styracaceae
Species name according to: Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 34(20): 568. 1899.
Accepted standard name: this name is accepted
Styrax argenteus var. hintonii (Bullock) Gonsoulin; Styrax argenteus var. micranthus (Perkins) D'Arcy; Styrax argenteus var. ramirezii (Greenm.) Gonsoulin; Styrax cyathocalyx Perkins; Styrax hintonii Bullock; Styrax micranthus Perkins; Styrax orizabensis Perkins; Styrax ramirezii var. micranthus (Perkins) Perkins; Styrax ramirezii var. orizabensis (Perkins) Perkins;
Specimens available at the Tervuren Xylarium