Africana Linguistica
- Scientific journal on African languages, particularly Bantu languages and related linguistic groups.
- Peer-reviewed articles.
- Published yearly with 150 to 230 pages per volume.
- Joint publication with Peeters (Leuven).
- In Open Access from 2022.
- With Impact Factor.
Editors: Maud Devos, Jacky Maniacky
Editorial assistant: Muriel Garsou
Table of contents
Africana Linguistica welcomes original contributions in descriptive linguistics or historical linguistics and linguistic typology on aspects such as phonetics/phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicology, and semantics.
It is particularly interested in contributions regarding poorly-documented languages as well as articles integrating linguistics in interdisciplinary approaches to the history of Africa.
Colleagues from Africa are strongly encouraged to submit their work.
Contributions may be submitted in English or French.
We ask authors to follow these guidelines for style layout (pdf, 34 kb).
If accepted, articles submitted before 31 January of each year will be published in that same year.
You may submit your contributions by email (in RTF format, preferably accompanied by a PDF version):
Each contribution is submitted anonymously for review to at least two outside experts.
The team of editors is supported by a committee of associate editors from various Belgian universities, as well as an international editorial board composed of renowned Africanist linguists.
Africana Linguistica is an international journal indexed by:
- Clarivate Analytics: the Impact Factor 2023 (published in June 2024) is 0.2 and the 5-year IF has increased from 0.2 (2023) to 0.4 (published in June 2024)
- Arts and Humanities Citation Index®
- Social Sciences Citation Index®
- Social Scisearch®
- Journal Citation Reports / Social Sciences Edition
- Current Contents®/Arts & Humanities
- Current Contents®/Social and Behavioral Sciences
- European Reference Index for the Humanities
- MLA International Bibliography
- CSA Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts
- Linguistic Bibliography
- « Cultures, Langues, Textes : La Revue de Sommaires » du Centre de documentation A.G. Haudricourt
- Scopus: 0.7
- Google Scholar
ISSN : 2033-8732
Please note that the Royal Library of Belgium has decided to assign a common ISSN number to all volumes of our journal. As a result, Africana Linguistica now bears the ISSN 2033-8732 (instead of 0065-4124). This applies retroactively to all volumes, starting with volume 1.
e-issn: 2034-8436
- Koen Bostoen (Universiteit Gent)
- Dmitry Idiatov (CNRS - LLACAN, Paris)
- Michael Meeuwis (Universiteit Gent)
- Gilles-Maurice de Schryver (Universiteit Gent, University of Pretoria)
- Mark Van de Velde (CNRS - LLACAN, Paris)
- Herman Batibo (Gaborone, University of Botswana)
- Denis Creissels (Lyon, Laboratoire "Dynamique du Langage" / Université de Lyon II)
- Gerrit Dimmendaal (Köln, Institut für Afrikanistik)
- Laura Downing (Berlin, Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Typologie und Universalienforschung)
- Claire Grégoire (Tervuren, Royal Museum for Central Africa)
- Tom Güldemann (Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
- Larry M. Hyman (Berkeley, University of California)
- André Motingea Mangulu (Kinshasa, Institut Pédagogique National)
- Maarten Mous (Leiden, Universiteit Leiden)
- Gérard Philippson (Paris, Institut national des Langues et Civilisations orientales)
Available in Gold Open Access from volume 28 (2022).
The authors do not pay for the fees, which are paid by the RMCA once the article has been accepted according to the procedure.
To order a printed hardcopy or for a different enquiry concerning the distribution, contact:
Peeters Éditions
Bondgenotenlaan 153
3000 Leuven, Belgique
Printed versions of Volumes 1 to 16 are distributed by the RMCA at a retail price of 18€/volume:
Royal Museum for Central Africa – Publications Service
Leuvensesteenweg, 13
3080 Tervuren, Belgium
+32 2 769 52 08