Africana Linguistica Vol. 21 (2015)
3. Bennett, William G. & Seunghun, J. Lee
A surface constraint in Xitsonga: *Li
29. Creissels, Denis, Bao Diop, Sokhna, Bassène, Alain Christian, Cissé, Mame Thierno, Cobbinah, Alexander, Dieye, El Hadji, Ndao, Dame, Nouguier-Voisin, Sylvie, Quint, Nicolas, Renaudier, Marie, Sall, Adjaratou & Segerer, Guillaume
L’impersonnalité dans les langues de la région sénégambienne
87. de Schryver, Gilles-Maurice, Grollemund, Rebecca, Branford, Simon & Bostoen, Koen
Introducing a state of-the-art phylogenetic classification of the Kikongo Language Cluster
Supplementary material:
Phylogenetic classification of the KLC - 0. Read me (pdf, 551 Kb)
Phylogenetic classification of the KLC - 1. Cognates (excel, 202 Kb)
Phylogenetic classification of the KLC - 2. Nexus (nex, 128 Kb)
Phylogenetic classification of the KLC - 3. Distance Matrix for Fig 24 (txt, 104 Kb)
Phylogenetic classification of the KLC - 4. Distance Matrix for Fig 25 (txt, 22 Kb)
Phylogenetic classification of the KLC - 5. Covarion (word doc, 16 Kb)
163. Dom, Sebastian & Bostoen, Koen
Examining variation in the expression of tense/aspect to classify the Kikongo Language Cluster
213. Fernandes, Gonçalo
The first known grammar of (Kahenda-Mbaka) Kimbundu (Lisbon 1697)
and Álvares’ ars minor (Lisbon 1573)
233. Gibson, Hannah & Wilhelmsen, Vera
Cycles of negation in Rangi and Mbugwe
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