Cast your eyes over a series of 27 collections on various themes relating to history and cultural anthropology.
Project PROCHE
Presentation of the Provenance Research Project PROCHE.
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Latest publications:

Finding Dr. Livingstone. A History in Documents from the Henry Morton Stanley Archives
Edited by Mathilde Leduc-Grimaldi (RMCA) and James L. Newman
Foreword by Guido Gryseels and Dominique Allard (King Baudouin Foundation)
Publisher: Ohio University Press Athens, Ohio. In association with the RMCA.
ISBN : 978-0-8214-2366-0
542 p.
75 €

Freddy Tsimba
Mabele eleki lola ! La terre, plus belle que le paradis
By In Koli Jean Bofane
with contributions of Pascal Blanchard, Henry Bundjoko and Bogumil Jewsiewicki
This art book is published for the exhibition Mabele eleki lola ! The earth, brighter than paradise.
Available in French and Dutch.
ISBN : 978-2-87575-266-6
144 p
35 €
Publisher Kate Art Editions, Africalia & AfricaMuseum

Belgique, Congo, Rwanda et Burundi. Guide des sources de l’histoire de la colonisation (19-20e siècle). Vers un patrimoine mieux partagé
P.A. Tallier, M. Van Eeckenrode & P. Van Schuylenberg
ISBN: 978-2-50359598-6
2294 p.
65 €
Brepols editions, in co-edition with the State Archives and the Royal Museum for Central Africa

L'indépendance du Congo et ses lendemains
Elikia M’Bokolo & Jacob Sabakinu Kivilu (eds)
In French
Collection 'Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities', n° 179
Published by the RMCA
ISBN : 978-9-4926-6971-1
350 p
24,50 €

La décolonisation du Congo belge
Jean Omasombo Tshonda
Special issue
In French
Published by the RMCA
ISBN : 978-9-4926-6972-8
48 p
12 €
Series 'Collections of the RMCA'
Published the RMCA, a copublication with Philippe de Moerloose
ISBN : 978-9-4926-6951-3
19,50 €

Conjonctures de l'Afrique centrale 2021
Reginas Ndayiragije, Sahawal Alidou, An Ansoms & Sara Geenen (eds)
Collection « Cahiers africains », n° 97
Co-édition: L’Harmattan / RMCA & CRE-AC
ISBN : 978-2-343-23451-9
463 p.
45 €

Sharing Past and Future: Strengthening African-European Connections Proceedings/actes
Koen Vlassenroot & Colin Hendrickx (ed.)
Online series: ‘Documents on Social Sciences and Humanities’
Published by Royal Museum for Central Africa (Tervuren), with Egmont Royal Institute for International Relations (Brussels)
ISBN : 978-9-4926-6975-9
170 p.
Science news
The strong decline of biodiversity in freshwater systems worldwide is a quiet crisis - one that few people are aware of. What happens underwater is a case of ‘out of sight, out of mind’. Now, in a new Nature article, some 88 scientists and IUCN collaborators from all over the world who are involved in a twenty-year IUCN effort to assess various groups of freshwater animals have reported that a quarter of the planet's freshwater fauna is threatened with extinction.
When people hear the word ‘landslide’, they often think of the sudden collapse of earth or rock from a mountain. But slow-moving landslides – which can move as little as one millimeter per year and up to a few meters per year – are also a growing threat to people who are pushed to live on steeper slopes because of urban growth and flood risk.
New research from KU Leuven and AfricaMuseum shows that climate change allows disease-carrying freshwater snails to survive in several southern European countries, driving up the risk of catching schistosomiasis, an infectious disease caused by a parasitic flatworm. Scientists want holidaymakers to be aware of the risk before taking a refreshing dip in the river or lake.