Documents on Social Sciences and Humanities
These works of researchers, inventories, and doctoral theses are offered in open access. They have not been peer-reviewed.
This collection also contains currently out-of-print books that were part of the ‘Annales de Sciences humaines’ series.
by Jean-Baptiste Nkulikiyinka
by Donatien Dibwe dia Mwembu
Strengthening African-European Connections. Sharing Past and Future (pdf, 1 MB)
Proceedings / Actes
Koen Vlassenroot & Colin Hendrickx (eds)
Le culte de Ryangombe au Rwanda. Étude ethnographique (pdf, 6.8 MB)
by Simon Bizimana and Jean-Baptiste Nkulikiyinka
Preface D. de Lame
Field manual for African Archaeology
Edited by:
Alexandre Livingstone Smith
Els Cornelissen
Olivier P. Gosselain
Scott MacEachern -
Autobiographie originale en kikongo de Joseph Vuadi ; tapuscrit inédit (pdf, 9 MB)
Or read the retranscription (pdf, 840 KB)
More information:
MABILA MANTUBA-NGOMA, Pamphile et ZANA ETAMBALA, Mathieu. 2016. La Société congolaise face à la modernité (1700-2010). Mélanges eurafricains offerts à Jean-Luc Vellut, series 'Cahier africains', no. 89, pp. 179-207. -
Aspects de la métallurgie des Sénoufo et des Guéré de Côte d’Ivoire (pdf, 4.9 MB)
by Daniel Arnoldussen (ed.) & Soro Tenena
Fouilles archéologiques dans la vallée du Haut-Lualaba, Zaire. III Kamilamba, Kikulu et Malemba-Nkulu, 1975
by Pierre de Maret, 1992
Dictionnaire kinande - français
avec index français-kinande (pdf, 3.5 MB)by Kambale Kavutirwaki & Ngessimo M. Mutaka
Preface by prof. Claire Grégoire
La vie musicale chez les Agni-n'dénéan (pdf, 2.3 MB)
by Aka Konin
Les instruments de musique - Gban (pdf, 2MB)
by Aka Konin & Gustave Guiraud
Les instruments de musique - Koulango (pdf, 1MB)
by Aka Konin
by Alexandre Livingstone Smith
Tense and Aspect in Niger-Congo (pdf, 7.5 MB)
by Derek Nurse, Sarah Rose & John Hewson
Data for Tense and Aspect in Bantu (pdf, 1.6 MB)
by Derek Nurse
Les génies de l'eau et leur culte au Congo-Brazzaville. Recueil de chants punu (pdf, 800 KB)
by Carine Plancke (2014)
Other open access publications are available in the series Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities.