Arachnomorphae Collection & Systematics

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Browse by 'Collector' starting with letter 'S' : 5386 specimens found in the database

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Reg nb Full Name Collected by on Determinated by in
1582 Latrodectus geometricus Koch C.L., 1841 Scheitz Mme. VII.1938 Lotz L.N 1993
1583 Lycosidae sp. Scheitz Mme. VII.1938
1584 Lycosidae sp. Scheitz Mme. VII.1938
1585 Clubionidae sp. Scheitz Mme. VII.1938
1586 Araneae sp. Scheitz Mme. VII.1938
1587 Thomisidae sp. Scheitz Mme. VII.1938
1588 Charminus camerunensis Thorell, 1899 Scheitz Mme. VII.1938 Blandin P 1976
1590 Thomisidae sp. Scheitz Mme. VII.1938
1591 Araneae sp. Scheitz Mme. VII.1938
1592 Lycosidae sp. Scheitz Mme. VII.1938
1594 Araneae sp. Scheitz Mme. VII.1938
1595 Heliophanus orchesta Simon, 1885 Scheitz Mme. VII.1938 Wesolowska W. 1981
1598 Thomisidae sp. Scheitz Mme. VII.1938
1601 Thyene magdalenae Lessert, 1927 Scheitz Mme. VII.1938 Roewer C. F. 1951
1602 Nephilengys cruentata (Fabricius, 1775) Scheitz Mme. VII.1938 ?
1604 Araneus restiarius (Tullgren, 1910) Scheitz Mme. VII.1938 Grasshoff 1968
1605 Araneae sp. Scheitz Mme. VII.1938
1609 Araneus restiarius (Tullgren, 1910) Scheitz Mme. VII.1938 Grasshoff 1968
1611 Lycosidae sp. Scheitz Mme. VII.1938
1612 Ctenus denticulatus Benoit, 1981 Scheitz Mme. VII.1938 Benoit P.L.G. 1979