Staff directory

Tine Huyse

Tine Huyse
Department: Biology
Division: Invertebrates
Job Title: Parasitologist/molecular biologist
Specialisms: host-parasite relationships, phylogeography and population genetics, invasive species, zoonoses, One Health
Phone: 32 2 769 5372

- 2003-2004: postdoctoral researcher at Laboratory of Aquatic Ecology, KU Leuven; 10 months visiting scientist at the Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom.
- 2005-2007: Marie Curie Fellow at the Natural History Museum, London, UK.
- 2007-2013: FWO postdoctoral researcher at Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp & KU Leuven
- 2015-2019: Scientific commissioner Landscapes & Biodiversity of the new permanent exhibition
- 2013-2019: Visiting professor KU Leuven
- 2013-current: Senior scientist at Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren.


2000: First prize of the Young Scientist Awards at 8'th European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, Poland
2003: Van Oye Prize for best PhD study by the Royal Belgian Academy for Sciences and Arts.
2005: Second Prize for Best Poster at the conference of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (2nd of 3 authors), London, England.
2010: Benelux Merial Award in Parasitology.
2010: Best oral presentation Award at the 10th International Conference on Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Infectious Diseases, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
2013: Best oral presentation and best paper Award (both as senior author) at 7th International Symposium on Monogenea, Brazil.
2013-2018: Elected member of Young Academy Flanders which is actively involved in science communication at all levels
2023: the international NTD innovation award for the ATRAP project :


Huyse T., Oeyen M., Larmuseau M., Verrijcken, H., Vanhove, M. & Volckaert F. 2015. Parasites as tool to study the history of their host. Eco-evolutionary dynamics. Antwerp, 3-5 February 2015

Boon N., Van den Broeck F., Meurs L., Volckaert F., Polman K., Huyse T. 2014. Schistosomiasis: The role of parasite genetics in human infection and disease. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Belgian Society of Parasitology and Protistology. Antwerp, Belgium, 13 November 2014
Huyse, T. Snails, worms and bilharzia. Lezing op 1st International Conference on the Biodiversity of the Congo Basin, Kisangani, 6-10/06/2014.
Vanhove, M., Pariselle, A., Van den Broeck, F., Vreven, E., Volckaert, F., Snoeks, J. & Huyse, T. 2014. The monogenean fauna of cichlids from the Congo River Lezing op 1st International Conference on the Biodiversity of the Congo Basin, Kisangani, 6-10/06/2014.
Huyse, T. The Trans-Atlantic slave trade and the introduction of human diseases: the case of schistosomiasis. Lezing op Africa beyond Africa in Atlanta, VSA, 16-18/05/2014.
Huyse, T., Boon, N., Van den Broeck, F., Volckaert, FAM, & Polman, K. Distribution of Tetraspanin-23 alleles in hybrid schistosomes. Lezing op British Society of Parasitology spring meeting, Cambridge, Engeland, 06-09/04/2014.
Huyse, T., Mombaerts, M., Volckaert, F., H. Verreycken. The invasive round goby Neogobius melanostomus and tubenose goby Proterorhinus semilunaris: two introduction routes into Belgium. Lezing op Benelux conference on Invasive Species, Gent, 02/04/2014.
Huyse, T., Oeyen, M., Larmuseau, M., F. Volckaert. Co-phylogeographic analysis of Gyrodactylus and its goby host. Lezing op Ecology and Evolution of Marine Parasites and Diseases, NIOZ, Nederland, 04-10/03/2014

Meurs, L., Mbow, M., Boon, N., Van den Broeck, F., Vereecken, K., Ndiaye Dièye, T., Abatih, E., Huyse, T., Mboup, S., Polman, K. Micro-geographical heterogeneity in Schistosoma mansoni and S. haematobium infection and morbidity in a co-endemic community in Northern Senegal. Lezing op conferentie van American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene in Washington, USA, 13-17/11/2013.
Huyse, T. Invasive species and their pathogens. Symposium Aquacultuur, een must en een uitdaging voor ontwikkelingssamenwerking. KU Leuven, 23/10/2013
Vanhove, M.P.M, Simkova, A., Pariselle, A., Van Steenberge, M., Prikrylova, I., Mendlova, M., Gelnar, M., Koblmüller, S., Sturmbauer, C., Volckaert, F.A.M, Snoeks, J. & Huyse, T. 2013. ‘Parasite speciation as an overlooked cause of species richness in ancient lakes: the case of monogenean cichlid parasites of Lake Tanganyika’. Lezing op Fifth International Conference of the Pan African Fish and Fisheries Association (PAFFA), Bujumbura. 16-20/09/2013.
Huyse, T. Co-phylogeographic analysis of Gyrodactylus and its goby host. Lezing op workshop Ecology and Evolution of Parasites and Infections, Universiteit Antwerpen 17-19/09/2013.
Huyse, T., Boon, N., Van den Broeck, F. Meurs, L., Volckaert, FAM, & Polman, K. Linking parasite genetics with host disease phenotype, the case for human schistosomiasis’. Poster presentatie op 14th ESEB conference in Lissabon, 19-24/08/2013.
Huyse, T. Molecular epidemiology of schistosomes in Senegal. Seminarie op FIOCRUZ Belo Horizonte in Brazilië, 11-12/08/2013.
Huyse, T. Molecular ecology of Monogeneans: where are we and where should we go? Keynote lezing op 7th International Symposium on Monogenea, Rio de Janeiro, Brazilië 04-09/08/2013.
Huyse, T., Oeyen, M., Larmuseau, M., F. Volckaert. Co-phylogeographic analysis of Gyrodactylus and its goby host. Lezing op 7th International Symposium on Monogenea, Rio de Janeiro, Brazilië, 04-09/08/2013.
Vanhove, M., Pariselle, A., Economou, A., Giakoumi, S., Koblmüller, S., Snoeks, J., Sturmbauer, C., Van Steenberge, M., Volckaert, F., Zogaris, S. & Huyse, T. 2013. ‘Plenty of fish in the sea, but… Monogenean speciation on cichlid and goby radiations’. Lezing op 7th International Symposium on Monogenea. Rio de Janeiro, Brazilië, 04-09/08/2013.
Boon, N., Van den Broeck, F. Meurs, L., Volckaert, FAM, Polman, K. & T. Huyse. Linking parasite genetics with host disease phenotype, the case for human schistosomiasis. Poster presentation at EVO-ECO VII symposium, Leuven, 05-07/02/2013.
Huyse, T., Boon, N., Van den Broeck, F. Meurs, L., Volckaert, FAM, & Polman, K. Linking parasite genetics with host disease phenotype, the case for human schistosomiasis. Oral presentation at British Society of Parasitology spring meeting, Bristol, UK, 08-11/04/2013.
Boon, N., Huyse, T., Mboup, S., Lutumba, P., Volckaert, FAM, & Polman, K. Schistosomiasis, the role of parasite genetics in human infection and disease. Poster presentation at British Society of Parasitology spring meeting, Bristol, UK, 08-11/04/2013.

Huyse, T. Transmission dynamics and colonization history of schistosomes. Key lecture at Pathogen’s survival strategies. ITM 54’th Annual Colloquium, Antwerp, Belgium, 03-06/12/2012.
Huyse, T., Van den Broeck, F., Jombart, T., Webster, B.L., Diaw, O., Volckaert, F.A.M., Rollinson, D., Balloux, F. & K. Polman. Regular treatment of praziquantel does not impact on the genetic make-up of S. mansoni in northern Senegal: evidence for drug tolerance? Poster presentation at the Joint Meeting of the Belgian and Dutch Societies for Parasitology, Antwerp, Belgium, 19/10/2012.
Huyse, T., Vanhove, M.P.M., Tessens, B., Artois, T., & F.A.M. Volckaert. Alternative markers for the barcoding of flatworms. ECBOL 3: The European Consortium for the Barcode of Life. Brussels, Belgium, 17-20/09/2012. Chair person.
Webster, B.L., Huyse, T. and D.T.J. Littlewood. Schistosome mitochondrial genomes: phylogeny and diagnostics. ECBOL 3: The European Consortium for the Barcode of Life. Brussels, Belgium, 17-20/09/2012.
Huyse, T. Evolution and Tropical disease. Presentation at public opening of our new section Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity of the KU Leuven, 05/02/2011.
Dance your PhD: Should I stay or should I go? Marie Curie Actions shaping the European Research and Innovation Landscape. Brussels, Belgium, 3-4/07/2012. Presentation of my PhD work by a professional dance company.
Vanhove M.P.M., Pariselle A., Van Steenberge M., Koblmüller S., Sturmbauer C., Snoeks J., Volckaert F.A.M. & Huyse T. (2012) Synxenic speciation and co-phylogenetic structure in monogenean parasites of the Tropheini radiation (Lake Tanganyika).
Oral presentation. Cichlid Science 2012, Leuven, Belgium, 16-19/09/2012.
Raeymaekers J.A.M., Hablützel P.I., Grégoir A.F., Bamps J., Roose A.K., Vanhove M.P.M., Van Steenberge M., Pariselle A., Huyse T., Snoeks J. & Volckaert F.A.M. (2012) Contrasting parasite communities among allopatric colour morphs of the Lake Tanganyika cichlid Tropheus.
Oral presentation. Cichlid Science 2012, Leuven, Belgium, 16-19/09/2012.
Vanhove M.P.M., Larmuseau M.H.D., Economou A.N., Zogaris S., Kovačić M., Giakoumi S., Koutsikos N.E., Volckaert, F.A.M. & Huyse T. (2012) Tiny worms from tiny fishes: what (functional) genetics and parasitology can teach us about gobies and their radiations. Oral presentation. 14th European Congress of Ichthyology, Liège, Belgium, 03-08/07/2012.
Přikrylová I., Vanhove M., Gelnar M., Huyse T. 2012. African gyrodactylid monogeneans in phylogenetic and morphological focus. British Society for Parasitology Annual Spring Meeting. Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2-5 April 2012

Verreycken, H., Belpaire, C. and Huyse, T. Non-indigenous freshwater fish and their pathogens. Overview and possible impacts. Oral presentation. Consequences of Wildlife Introductions. Belgian Wildlife Disease Society, Tervuren, Belgium, 07/11/2011.
Vanhove, M.P.M., Van den Broeck, F., Snoeks, J., Volckaert, F.A.M., Pariselle, A. & Huyse, T. 2011 Extending knowledge on monogenean fauna of riverine cichlids to the heart of Africa. Poster. 8th International Symposium on Fish Parasites. Fish parasitology: from classical taxonomy to holistic approach, Viña del Mar, Chile, 26-30/09/2011.
Vanhove, M.P.M., Snoeks, J., Volckaert, F. & Huyse, T. 2011 Monogenean speciation under host radiation: cichlids and gobies through the magnifying glass. Oral presentation. 8th International Symposium on Fish Parasites. Fish parasitology: from classical taxonomy to holistic approach, Viña del Mar, Chile, 26-30/09/2011.
Přikrylová, I., Vanhove, M.P.M., Gelnar, M., Volckaert, F.A.M. & Huyse, T. 2011 Molecular phylogeny of African gyrodactylid monogeneans. Oral presentation. 8th International Symposium on Fish Parasites. Fish parasitology: from classical taxonomy to holistic approach, Viña del Mar, Chile, 26-30/09/2011.
Vanhove, M.P.M., Pariselle, A., Gillardin, C., Sturmbauer, C., Snoeks, J., Volckaert, F.A.M. & Huyse, T. (2011) Evolution of monogenean flatworms on Tanganyika cichlids. Oral presentation. British Society for Parasitology Annual Spring Meeting, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 12-14/04/2011.
Huyse, T., Jombart, T., Van den Broeck, F., Webster, B.L., Diaw, O., Volckaert, F.A.M., Rollinson, D., Balloux, F. & K. Polman. No change in genetic diversity in Schistosoma mansoni populations before and after praziquantel treatment in Senegal. Oral presentation at British Society for Parasitology Annual Spring Meeting, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 12-14/04/2011.
Van den Broeck, F; Meurs, L; Polman K; Volckaert F & Huyse T. Correlation between host age and parasite inbreeding: molecular epidemiology of Schistosoma mansoni in Senegal. Oral presentation. British Society for Parasitology Annual Spring Meeting, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 12-14/04/2011.

Huyse, T., Jombart, T., Van den Broeck, F., Webster, B.L., Diaw, O., Volckaert, F.A.M., Rollinson, D., Balloux, F. & K. Polman. Population genetic structure of Schistosoma mansoni populations before and after praziquantel treatment in Senegal. Lecture at 10th International Conference on Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Infectious Diseases, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 03-05/11/2010.
Van den Broeck F., Meurs L., Volckaert F., Polman K. & Huyse T. Genetic diversity and population genetic structure of the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni in Senegal. Lecture at 10th International Conference on Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Infectious Diseases, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 03-05/11/2010.
Huyse, T., Jombart, T., Van den Broeck, F., Webster, B.L., Diaw, O., Volckaert, D. Rollinson, F.A.M., Balloux, F. & K.Polman. Population genetic structure of Schistosoma mansoni populations before and after praziquantel treatment in Senegal. Poster presentation at the XIIth International Congress of Parasitology (ICOPA), Melbourne, Australia, 15-20/08/2010.
Rollinson, D., Webster, B.L., Huyse, T., Seye, M. & O. Diaw. Schistosomiasis in Senegal: unravelling parasite and snail interactions and the implications for control. Invited presentation at the XIIth International Congress of Parasitology (ICOPA), Melbourne, Australia, 15-20/08/2010.
Huyse, T., Maes, G.E., Webster, B.L., Van den Broeck, F., Diaw, O., Volckaert, F.A.M., Rollinson, D., K. Polman. Genetic diversity and population structure of Schistosoma mansoni populations before and after Praziquantel treatment. Poster presentation at the XIIth International Congress of Parasitology (ICOPA), Melbourne, Australia, 15-20/08/2010.
Vanhove, M.P.M., Pariselle, A., Gillardin, C., Sturmbauer, C., Snoeks, J., Volckaert, F.A.M. & Huyse, T. – More diverse than cichlids? First report on monogenean flatworm parasites in Lake Tanganyika. Poster presentation at the XIIth International Congress of Parasitology (ICOPA), Melbourne, Australia, 15-20/08/2010.
Vanhove, M.P.M., Snoeks, J., Volckaert, F.A.M. & Huyse, T. - Comparing the evolution of parasite diversity in two fish species flocks. 5th Course on Molecular Evolution, Phylogenetics, Phylogenomics and Adaptation. 14-18/06/2010, Valencia, Spain.
Webster, B.L., Huyse, T., Polman, K., Stothard, R., Seye, M., Diaw, O. & D. Rollinson. New insights into the epidemiology and interactions of Schistosoma haematobium group species in Senegal. British Society for Parasitology Spring Meeting Nottingham, 30/03- 01/04/2010.

Vanhove, M., Huyse, T., Snoeks, J., Volckaert, F. (2009). A comparative approach to parasite evolution under host adaptive radiation. Lezing op Young Systematists' Forum. London, UK, 02/12/2009.
Van den Broeck F, Huyse T, Meurs L, Polman K, & F. Volckaert 2009. Do host-specific factors drive population genetics of human Schistosoma spp.? A molecular study in Pakh, Senegal. Poster presentatie op 16th Benelux Congress of Zoology, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 28-30/10/2009.
Vanhove, M.P.M., Huyse, T., Giakoumi, S., Zogaris, S., Kalogianni, E., Economou, A.N. & Volckaert, F.A.M. – An evolutionary comparison of Greek gobies and their parasites. Lezing op 11th International Conference on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions. Irakleio, Griekenland, 21-25/09/2009.
Van den Broeck F, Huyse T, Meurs L, Polman K, & F. Volckaert 2009. Do host-specific factors drive population genetics of human Schistosoma spp.? A molecular study in Pakh, Senegal. Poster presentatie op 6th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health, Verona, Italië. 6-10/09/2009.
Vanhove, M.P.M., Huyse, T., Gillardin, C., Sturmbauer, C., Snoeks, J. & Volckaert, F.A.M. First study on Monogenea of Lake Tanganyika: evolution and speciation in gyrodactylids and cichlidogyrids on Tropheini cichlids. Lezing op 6th International Symposium on Monogenea, Kaapstad Zuid-Afrika, 2-7/08/2009.
Vanhove, M.P.M., Huyse, T., Sturmbauer, C., Snoeks, J., Volckaert, F.A.M. & Pariselle, A. High diversity in haptor morphology of Cichlidogyrus from two Tanganyika cichlid tribes. Poster presentatie op 6th International Symposium on Monogenea, Kaapstad Zuid-Afrika, 2-7/08/2009.
Barson, M., Přikrylová, I., Vanhove, M. & Huyse, T. Diversity of Macrogyrodactylus spp. (Monogenea, Gyrodactylidae) across Africa: molecular and morphological comparisons. Poster presentatie op 6th International Symposium on Monogenea, Kaapstad Zuid-Afrika, 2-7/08/2009.
Huyse, T. Flatworms as models in host parasite evolution. Keynote lezing op11th International Symposium On Flatworm Biology. Hasselt, Belgium. 26 -30/07/2009.
Huyse T., Bristow, G.A., Hellemans, B., F.A.M. Volckaert, M.A. Bell, A. Maccoll, and J.A.M. Raeymaekers. Co-phylogeographic study of Gyrodactylus parasites and three-spined stickleback from Alaska and British Columbia
. Poster presentatie op The Fisheries Society Of The British Isles Annual Conference 

Leicester University, UK. 13-17/07/2009.


- M.Sc. Thesis (June 1998; KU Leuven): ‘Research on Anguillicola crassus, a parasitic nematode of the European eel, Anguilla anguilla, L. Promotor Prof. F. Ollevier

- PhD Thesis (December 2002; KU Leuven): ‘Evolutionary associations between Gyrodactylus and its goby host: bound forever?’ Promoter: Prof. Filip Volckaert.


I am a senior researcher at the Biology Department of the Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA) since 2013, and before that a FWO postdoctoral researcher at the University of Leuven and the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp (Belgium), and a Marie Curie Fellow at the Natural History Museum in London (UK). I am also the scientific commissioner of the exhibition Landscapes and Biodiversity of the RMCA.

My main research interests include the molecular epidemiology of neglected tropical diseases including schistosomiasis and fasciolosis, which affect millions of people and animals worldwide. By genotyping individual parasites, transmission pathways can be reconstructed and possibly predicted.

I study the anthropogenic and environmental impact on disease transmission and have a special interest in hybridization between human and animal parasites. A One Health approach is therefore necessary, by considering the role of animal reservoirs and zoonotic transmission of pathogens. To this end, we developed new markers and molecular assays to rapidly detect pathogen infections in blood, stool and intermediate snail host samples (xenomonitoring). Also next-generation-sequencing technologies on field and museum samples are applied to increase the amount of genomic information in order to reconstruct parasite transmission dynamics.

A multidisciplinary approach is becoming increasingly important in grasping complex wicked problems like the epidemiology of parasitic diseases. Therefore we collaborate with medical doctors, geographers, epidemiologists, sociologists and anthropologists in the recently started ATRAP project in Uganda and DRC. Data on snail prevalence and water quality is collected on a weekly basis by a network of citizen scientists, in order to build reliable risk maps for targeted snail control. Together with social scientists, these citizen scientists are also involved in the set-up of other preventive measures like contextualized awareness campaigns. More information:
