Film screening and discussion 'Through the Eyes'
The film Through the Eyes presents two musical practices from oral traditions: the Elombo ceremony in Gabon and the Carnaval de Binche in Belgium.
The film takes the same approach to these two rituals practiced on different continents. In doing so, it aims to address the question of the representation of culture through music, highlighting the differences and above all the similarities that exist between these two traditions.
The screening of the film Through the Eyes is followed by a discussion in the presence of the directors and members of the RIETMA project, the project within which the film was made.

The film Through the Eyes is a product of the RIETMA project – Réseau international d’Étude des Tradition musicales africaines (International Network for the Study of African Musical Traditions). The aim of the project was to bring together the views of Africanologists and cultural professionals, Africans and Europeans, in order to compare musical representations from oral traditions. The objective was to propose a model of representation of traditions that is not only descriptive but also inclusive in order to prevent any form of exoticism or cultural reduction.
Members of the project :
- Rémy Jadinon - Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren (Belgium)
- Arnold Aganze, Derek Debru - Nyege Nyege Festival, Jinja (Uganda)
- Stéphane Colin, Matthieu Thonon, Saskia Willaert - Musical Instruments Museum, Brussels (Belgium)
- Camille Devineau, Sylvie Le Bomin - Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris (France)
- Susanne Fürniss - CNRS - Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris (France)
- Eveline Koho Kabou - Musée de la Musique, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
- Larissa Nzang Metogo - Musée national du Gabon, Libreville (Gabon)
The RIETMA project is funded by the Belgian Science Policy.
Join us each month for an exciting talk about one particular aspect of the permanent exhibition! Take a look behind the scenes of the AfricaMuseum and discover the work of its scientists and its collaboration with African artists.

Free but registration is compulsory.
Duration of the film: 38 min.