Genetica, ras en racisme
Amade M'charek & Jana Kerremans
Until 6 March 2022, the AfricaMuseum is hosting the exhibition 'Human Zoo. The age of colonial exhibitions'. The exhibition focuses on 'racial theories' from the past. This MuseumTalk addresses the following questions: what do genetics say about 'race'? How do researchers look at the natural diversity between people? And what can science mean today in the fight against racism?
On Wednesday 26 January 2022 at 7.30 pm, presenter Jana Kerremans will talk to Amade M'charek, professor of anthropology of science at the University of Amsterdam. M'charek studies the relationship between science and society with a special focus on genetics.

As part of the exhibition Human Zoo. The age of colonial exhibitions, the AfricaMuseum presents a series of discussions on the exhibition, (de)colonisation and (anti)racism.
Free, but registration is mandatory