Tervuren Xylarium Wood Database

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Familia: Lythraceae
Accepted standard name: NDN
Features and microscopic photographs from Inside Wood database
Local and/or commercial names
Name Language Region Country Source
Ajhar Coster (1993)
banaba Philippines http://delta-intkey.com/wood/
Bang Lang Cheo Coster (1993)
Bang Lang Cum Coster (1993)
Bang Lang Nuoc Coster (1993)
Bang Lang oi Coster (1993)
bang-lang Cambodia, Vietnam http://delta-intkey.com/wood/
bangor Indonesia http://delta-intkey.com/wood/
Batitinau Coster (1993)
Benaba Coster (1993)
bentak Indonesia http://delta-intkey.com/wood/
Billi Randi Coster (1993)
Bolawaro Coster (1993)
Bungor Coster (1993)
bungur Indonesia, Malaysia http://delta-intkey.com/wood/
intanin Thailand http://delta-intkey.com/wood/
jarul Indonesia http://delta-intkey.com/wood/
Katimpe Coster (1993)
Murutu Coster (1993)
nana Indonesia http://delta-intkey.com/wood/
Papda Coster (1993)
pyinma Myanmar http://delta-intkey.com/wood/
Senjal Coster (1993)
sralao Cambodia http://delta-intkey.com/wood/
tabek Thailand http://delta-intkey.com/wood/
Venda Coster (1993)
Vengalam Coster (1993)
Specimens available at the Tervuren Xylarium