Tervuren Xylarium Wood Database

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Species: Melochia pilosa (Mill.) Fawc. & Rendle
View taxon: SN13682  link available
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Familia: Sterculiaceae
Herbarium number:
Wood number: 13509
Sample form:
Collector: Luteyn, James Leonard & Dorr, Laurence J.
Continent: South America
Country: Bolivia
Region: Depto. La Paz
Locality: Nor Yungas: Rd. Up Río Huarinilla for ca. 3 km (this being 5.4 km SW of Yolosa along rd. Towards Chuspipata); 1280 m; ca. 16°12' S, 67°47' W. Heavily disturbed, pasture areas with Cecropia.
Locality on Google Maps:
Entry date: 6/05/1990