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9 samples matching your criteria
Sample n°8561 : grey prismatic crystals (3 cm) in pegmatiteMinerals: BERYLYear: 1972Country: Rwanda
Sample n°9914 : large block of mixed phosphatesMinerals: FERRISICKLERITE ROCKBRIDGEITE HETEROSITE VIVIANITEYear: 1972Country: Rwanda
Sample n°9915 : purple block of mixed phosphates (12 cm)Minerals: DUFRENITE HETEROSITE PURPURITEYear: 1972Country: Rwanda
Sample n°9916.1 : blocks of mixed phosphatesMinerals: HETEROSITE PURPURITEYear: 1972Country: Rwanda
Sample n°9916.2 : black and green blocks with bright cleavage planesMinerals: ALLUAUDITE HETEROSITEYear: 1972Country: Rwanda
Sample n°9917 : sample with ranunculite as yellow-orange scales, green autuniteMinerals: RANUNCULITE AUTUNITEYear:Country: Rwanda
Sample n°9918 : sample with yellow-orange ranunculite scales, autunite impregnationsMinerals: AUTUNITE RANUNCULITEYear:Country: Rwanda
Sample n°9919 : pegmatite with small bronze-coloured siderophyllite plates (1 cm)Minerals: FLUORAPATITE SIDEROPHYLLITEYear: 1972Country: Rwanda
Sample n°12946 : sample with green autunite on beryl, yellow-orange phosphuranylite crustMinerals: AUTUNITE PHOSPHURANYLITE BERYLYear: 1972Country: Rwanda