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Sample n° 2624

Minerals found in the sample
Mineral Formula Category Subcategory Importance
GALENA PbS sulfides and sulfosalts - major
MALACHITE Cu2(CO3)(OH)2 carbonates - minor
Description: block of mixed ore with sulfides
  • Country: Congo (Congo-Brazzaville)
  • Region: Bouenza
  • Locality: Mfouati
  • Donors: Larbalestrier
    Donation year: 1948
  • Sampling year:
    Registration date:
  • Quantity: 1
    Size: 2
  • Dimension code 1>2>3: 3
    Quality code 1>2>3: 1
  • Holotype: no
    Paratype: no
    Radioactive: no
  • Thin section: no
    Chemical analysis: no
    X-Ray spectra: no