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Sample n° 2735

Minerals found in the sample
Mineral Formula Category Subcategory Importance
PARASCHOEPITE UO3•2-xH2O oxides and hydroxides - major
VANDENDRIESSCHEITE Pb1,6(UO2)10O6(OH)11•11H2O oxides and hydroxides - major
CURITE Pb3+x[(UO2)4O4+x(OH)3-x]2•2H2O oxides and hydroxides - minor
KASOLITE Pb(UO2)(SiO4)•H2O nesosilicates - minor
RUTHERFORDINE (UO2)(CO3) carbonates - minor
SODDYITE (UO2)2(SiO4)•2H2O nesosilicates - minor
VARISCITE Al(PO4)•2H2O phosphates - minor
Description: sample with paraschoepite plates, orange vandendriesscheite lamellae in variscite, grey massive rutherfordine, massive and acicular curite, dull yellow soddyite crystals and aggregates, rare bundles of kasolite crystals in soddyite veins, pink to white variscite
  • Country: Congo (RDC)
  • Region: Katanga
  • Locality: Shinkolobwe
  • Donors: Nève de Mévergnies
    Donation year: 1950
  • Sampling year:
    Registration date:
  • Quantity: 1
    Size: 7 x 7 cm
  • Dimension code 1>2>3: 2
    Quality code 1>2>3: 1
  • Holotype: no
    Paratype: no
    Radioactive: yes
  • Thin section: no
    Chemical analysis: no
    X-Ray spectra: yes