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Sample n° 13821

Minerals found in the sample
Mineral Formula Category Subcategory Importance
BILLIETITE Ba(UO2)6O4(OH)6•8H2O oxides and hydroxides - major
IANTHINITE U4+2(UO2)4O6(OH)4•9H2O oxides and hydroxides - major
BECQUERELITE Ca(UO2)6O4(OH)6•8H2O oxides and hydroxides - minor
CURITE Pb3+x[(UO2)4O4+x(OH)3-x]2•2H2O oxides and hydroxides - minor
MASUYITE Pb(UO2)3O3(OH)2•3H2O oxides and hydroxides - minor
SCHOEPITE (UO2)8O2(OH)12•12H2O oxides and hydroxides - minor
URANOPHANE Ca(UO2)2(SiO3OH)2•5H2O nesosilicates - minor
Description: sample with billietite as large amber-coloured crystals (in uranophane geode) and as fibrous yellow nodules (on uranophane), purple ianthinite needles and massive ianthinite, small golden yellow becquerelite needles and plates, small orange curite nodules, white and yellow radial uranophane aggregates, yellow schoepite needles on ianthinite, salmon-pink and red wolsendorfite crystals, red masuyite scales, black wulfenite needles, bright uraninite
  • Country: Congo (RDC)
  • Region: Katanga
  • Locality: Shinkolobwe
  • Donors: Gecamine
    Donation year: 1980
  • Sampling year:
    Registration date:
  • Quantity: 7
    Size: 10 x 5 cm
  • Dimension code 1>2>3: 2
    Quality code 1>2>3: 1
  • Holotype: no
    Paratype: no
    Radioactive: yes
  • Thin section: no
    Chemical analysis: no
    X-Ray spectra: yes