Comparative Bantu Pottery Vocabulary

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26 items matching your criteria

  • ndumbia"
    Language code: E55 Language: kamba
    Translation: brick kiln
  • kwalika"
    Language code: E55 Language: kamba
    Translation: to crack open
  • senga"
    Language code: E55 Language: kamba
    Translation: rusty sediment in water, red clay procured from the stream and dried, it is then made into little cakes, put between dry cow dung and put into fire to bake and get red. It is then powdered and mixed with fat and used for painting
  • kulilia"
    Language code: E55 Language: kamba
    Translation: smooth over anything broken, fill in cracks
  • mtanga"
    Language code: E55 Language: kamba
    Translation: water jar
  • kUkanda"
    Language code: E55 Language: Kamba
    Translation: to knead