Comparative Bantu Pottery Vocabulary

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  • (ò)mùbûmbi"
    Language code: J15 Language: ganda
    Translation: potter
  • (è)mmûmbwa"
    Language code: J15 Language: ganda
    Translation: home-made remedy, made of herbs mixed with clay, usually sausage-shaped
  • (ò)lùbûmbiro"
    Language code: J15 Language: ganda
    Translation: 1. potter's wheel, 2. fire-pan, 3. lid of a cooking pot
  • (ò)mùjoona"
    Language code: J15 Language: ganda
    Translation: royal potter
  • (è)kìkaàyi"
    Language code: J15 Language: ganda
    Translation: piece of gourd, used as a scoop
  • (ò)lù'ggyo/(è)nzigyo"
    Language code: J15 Language: ganda
    Translation: large piece of a broken pot, potsherd
  • (è)kìsi'ttaka"
    Language code: J15 Language: ganda
    Translation: term used for any earthenware pot (lit. "a thingummy of clay)
  • (è)'ttaka"
    Language code: J15 Language: ganda
    Translation: soil; earth
  • (è)'ssuffuliyà"
    Language code: J15 Language: ganda
    Translation: metal cooking-pot; saucepan
  • (è)'ssawaàni"
    Language code: J15 Language: ganda
    Translation: 1. plate, 2. dish