
RéCO, a network of “corresponding members” of scientists on natural hydrological risks in Central Africa
RéCO, a network of “corresponding members” of scientists on natural hydrological risks in Central Africa The idea of a network of corresponding members was born around a hotel table in Kigali during a meeting of the professors Ilunga Lutumba of KIE and Louis Nahimana of Burundi University and doctors Jan Moeyersons, geomorphologist and Philippe Trefois, engineer geologist, both of the geomorphology and remote sensing division of the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren, Belgium. Since that time, the RéCO is provisory managed by this research unit. The main mission of this unit is on one hand to study the geomorphologic events such as large landslides, inundations, gully erosions, unexpected oscillations of lake and water table levels, that are generated by climate, land use and earthquakes. On the other hand, the department also wants to promote studies in this field by local researchers. For this purpose, the Framework Program contributes to achieve an increase of capacity for local research through training sessions, scientific publications with several contributions, co-promotion of dissertations and PhD thesis for scholarship holders in Belgium, etc. RéCO is a free entry association of researchers for the whole DR Congo, Burundi and Rwanda who develop any kind of collaboration with the “Geomorphology and Remote Sensing” division of the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren in the field of natural hazards. It is very easy to become a member of ReCO: send you name, affiliation, function and Email address to: . You will automatically receive the ReCO news. Please also know that our colleagues from Kigali, KIE, proposed that scientists from Uganda be included in our network. ReCO also wants to meet the wish of most scientists from central Africa to gather in a working team in order to map and study natural hazards in their region. This project has been proposed by professors Louis Nahimana from Burundi University and Ilunga Lutumba from KIE-Kigali. To meet this purpose, the “Geomorphology and Remote Sensing” division of the Royal Museum for Central Africa will try and organize local group training sessions as well as individual training courses. RéCO is also associated to the BAG, Belgian Association of Geomorphologists. Each member of RéCO will receive the “BAG news mails” that provide information concerning job opportunities, research projects, national and international scientific workshops. The members of RéCo, staying in Belgium, will also take most benefit of this information. The “Geomorphology and Remote Sensing” division of RMCA will first take care of the organisation and communication of RéCO. The head of division, Jan Moeyersons, will be in charge. It is foreseen that the group will become an autonomous regional association for geomorphology, with its own president and local leaderships.

Principal investigator:

  • Jan Moeyersons



Museum staff:

  • Jan Moeyersons
  • Ine Vandecasteele
  • Philippe Trefois