Colonisation: Belgium-Congo

In recent years, colonisation has become a hot topic. When students are asked what immediately comes to mind when they hear the term, among the words they give are 'conquest', 'violence', 'theft', 'inequality' and 'racism'.
The workshop's central theme is Belgium's colonisation of Congo and its peculiarities, in the context of the colonial imperialism of the era. Participants also learn of the different ways in which the consequences of the colonial period still persist in society to this day.
After an interactive introduction, they visit the museum's 'Colonial History and Independence' gallery. They work in small groups to analyse certain characteristics of the colonial system, such as racism and segregation, the plunder of raw materials and exploitation, the role of the church, and resistance movements. Paintings on these sensitive topics made by Congolese artists after 1960 are the key elements of research. They cast a critical eye on this historical period and encourage students to see the colonial past through the eyes of Congolese people.
Students use the museum gallery's texts, objects, and maps, as well as the paintings to film a short report using their smartphones. The results are presented to the entire class.
Areas: history; philosophy and civics; geography.
Museum galleries used during the workshop: Long History – Colonal History and Independence – Rituals and Ceremonies – Let’s Talk about Racism!
Ideally, this workshop should not be combined with a guided tour on colonial history on the same day, as the same topics will be discussed.
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Leuvensesteenweg 13, 3080 Tervuren
150 €
Information & reservations:
Two COLONISATION: Belgium-Congo workshops can be conducted simultaneously.