Staff directory
Florias Mees
Earth Sciences
Surface environments and collection management
Surface environments and collection management
Publication details
Huyghe, D., Vandenberghe, DAG., De Dapper, M., Mees, F., Claes, W. & Darnell, JC. 2012. ‘Premiers témoignages d”un art rupestre pléistocène en Afrique du Nord : confirmation de l”âge des pétroglyphes de Qurta (Egypte) par datation OSL de leur couverture sédimentaire’. In: Huyge, D., Van Noten, F. & Swinne, D. (eds), The Signs of Which Times ? Chronological and Palaeoenvironmental Issues in the Rock Art of Northern Africa. Brussels : Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences, pp. 257-268.
Chapter in an edited book / Article in an edited book