Tree diversity, structure and biomass of 35 tropical montane forests in Africa

Dr. Aida Cuní Sanchez

Dr. Cuní Sanchez is a research associate at the University of York at the Department of Environment & Geography and at Colorado State University at the Department of Ecosystem Science & Sustainability. She has done a lot of fieldwork in various Biosphere Reserves in Africa, focusing on research in tropical forest ecology, carbon stocks, ethnobotany, forest conservation and forest use by local communities. Her research combines natural and social sciences: currently she works on a project that assesses ecosystem services, threats and potential management strategies for African montane forests.


The issues of tropical forest stocks, sinks and sources are a central topic in international policy debates on climate changes. UNESCO Biosphere Reserves are living laboratories for research on climate changes. The BiosphereCarbon seminars aim at underpinning carbon focused research in tropical rainforests.



CAPA building (building E on the map)

