Catalogue of the Library of Independent Congo

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322 items matching your criteria

  • Multilateralism in Question: Trade and Development Issues in the 1990s. An Assessment on the Occasion of UNCTAD's 25th Anniversary.
    Year: 1990
    Author: EVANS David ; JOEKES Susan ; de SILVA Leelananda (editors)
  • Les Nuer. Description des modes de vie et des institutions politiques d'un peuple nilote. Traduit de l'anglais par Louis Evrard. Préface de Louis Dumont.
    Year: 1968
  • Anthropologie sociale. Postface de Michel Panoff.
    Year: 1969
    Author: EVANS-PRITCHARD E. E. ; PANOFF Michel (postface)
  • Diamond industrie strategies to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism.
    Year: 2004
    Author: EVEN ZOHAR Chaim
  • Les Eglises, redoutables forces d'opposition.
    Year: 1989
    Author: EVENSON John
  • Gender and Agricultural Extension in Burkina Faso.
    Year: 1999
    Author: EVENSON R. E. ; SIEGEL Michele
  • Monographie agricole du Ruanda-Urundi. 2e édition.
    Year: 1947
    Author: EVERAERTS E.
  • Special theme : Trade and Development. Thème spécial : Commerce et développement.
    Year: 1987
    Author: EVERS Ben (ed.)
  • Transformation des identités féminines. Formes d'organisations féminines en Afrique de l'Ouest. Transforming Female Identities. Women's organizational forms in West Africa.
    Year: 1997
    Author: EVERS-ROSANDER Eva (ed.)
  • Le prix de revient des cartes des sols et de la végétation au Congo.
    Year: 1961
    Author: EVRARD Carlo