Catalogue of the Library of Independent Congo

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940 items matching your criteria

  • Besoins de financement de la reconstruction de l'économie congolaise : ampleur et conditions préalables.
    Year: 2001
    Author: LUZOLELE LOLA NKALALA Laurent ; MARYSSE Stefaan
  • Besoins des déplacés de guerre au 15 mai 1994.
    Year: 1994
  • Besoins en gradués et licenciés et moyens de les satisfaire.
  • Besoins en professeurs d'école secondaire et structure de l'enseignement normal de niveau supérieur.
    Year: 1970
  • Better the devil you know? Chinese foreign direct investment in Africa.
    Year: 2011
    Author: KOLSTAD Ivar ; WIIG Arne
  • Between a rock and a hard place. African NGO's, donors and the state.
    Year: 2005
    Author: IGOE Jim ; KELSALL Tim
  • Between Ballots and Bullets : Algeria's Transition from Authoritarianism.
    Year: 1998
    Author: QUANDT William B.
  • Between hope and the "objective factor": The Democratic Republique of Congo. After Kabila's death.
    Year: 2001
    Author: SALUA NOUR
  • Between Integration and Disintegration: The Erratic Trajectory of the Congolese Army.
    Year: 2013
    Author: ERIKSSON BAAZ Maria ; VERWEIJEN Judith
  • Between Lomé and Maastricht. The Strategy of ECDPM. 1994-1996.
    Year: 1994