
1272 wetenschappelijke publicaties

  • Smitz, N.,  De Wolf, K.,  Deblauwe, I.,  Verlé, I.,  Schneider, A.,  Vanslembrouck, A.,  De Witte, J.,  Dekoninck, W.,  Meganck, K.,  Gombeer, S.,  Van Bourgonie, Y R.,  De Meyer, M.,  Backeljau, T. & Van Bortel, W. 2019. ‘A DNA-based approach to validate the identification of exotic mosquito species in Belgium’. 8th International Barcode of Life Conference. Book of abstracts.
  • Van Bourgonie, Y R.,  Lange, M.,  Penagos-Tabares, F.,  Hirzmann, J.,  Failing, K.,  Schaper, R.,  Dimzas, D.,  Diakou, A.,  Hermosilla, C.,  Taubert, A.,  Di Cesare, A.,  Morelli, S.,  Gombeer, S.,  Smitz, N.Meganck, K.De Meyer, M. & Backeljau, T. 2019. ‘DNA barcoding and identification of intermediate slug hosts in the framework of an epidemiological survey in Germany’. 8th International Barcode of Life Conference. Book of abstracts.
  • Van Bourgonie, Y R.,  Herrera, J.,  Breugelmans, K.,  Jordaens, K.,  Gombeer, S.,  Meganck, K.Smitz, N.De Meyer, M. & Backeljau, T. 2019. ‘Molecular taxonomy and phylogeography of the endemic Cuban terrestrial gastropod Emoda sagraiana (Helicinidae)’. 8th International Barcode of Life Conference. Book of abstracts.
  • Gombeer, S.,  Breugelmans, K.,  Meganck, K.Smitz, N.,  Van Bourgonie, Y R.,  De Meyer, M. & Backeljau, T. 2019. ‘Seafood on the Belgian market: do you get what you are paying for?’. 8th International Barcode of Life Conference. Book of abstracts.
  • Gombeer, S.,  Musaba, P.,  Nebesse, C.,  Ngoy, S.,  Peeters, M.,  Van Bourgonie, Y R.,  Meganck, K.Smitz, N.,  Backeljau, T.,  De Meyer, M. & Verheyen, E. 2019. ‘African Bushmeat in Brussels: high prices and high levels of misidentification’. 8th International Barcode of Life Conference. Book of abstracts.
  • Gombeer, S.,  Meganck, K.Smitz, N.,  Van Bourgonie, Y R.,  De Meyer, M. & Backeljau, T. 2019. ‘Barcoding organisms and tissues of policy concern: experiences from three years of BopCo’. 8th International Barcode of Life Conference. Book of abstracts.
  • Pigneur, L-M.,  Caublot, G.,  Fournier-Chambrillon, C.,  Fournier, P.,  Giralda-Carrera, G.,  Grémillet, X.,  Le Roux, B.,  Marc, D.,  Simonnet, F.,  Smitz, N.,  Sourp, E.,  Steinmetz, J.,  Urra-Maya, F. & Michaux, J. 2019. ‘Current genetic admixture between relictual populations might enhance the recovery of an elusive carnivore’. Conservation Genetics. ISSN: 1572-9737. DOI:  (PR).
  • Sonet, G.,  De Smet, Y.,  Tang, M.,  Virgilio, M.,  Young, AD.,  Skevington, JH.,  Mengual, X.,  Backeljau, T.,  Liu, S.,  Zhou, X.,  De Meyer, M. & Jordaens, K. 2019. ‘First mitochondrial genomes of five hoverfly species of the genus Eristalinus (Diptera: Syrphidae)’. Genome. URL:  I.F. 1.892.
  • Martin, P.,  Sonet, G.,  Smitz, N. & Backeljau, T. 2019. ‘Phylogenetic analysis of the Baikalodrilus species flock (Annelida: Clitellata: Naididae), an endemic genus to Lake Baikal (Russia)’. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society zlz066. DOI:  I.F. 2.9.
  • Smitz, N.,  De Wolf, K.,  Deblauwe, I.,  Verlé, I.,  Schneider, A.,  Vanslembrouck, A.,  De Witte, J.,  Dekoninck, W.,  Meganck, K.,  Gombeer, S.,  Vanderheyden, A.,  De Meyer, M.,  Backeljau, T. & Van Bortel, W. 2019. ‘Molecular validation of native and invasive mosquito species in Belgium’. Zoology 2019. Book of abstracts.