KMMA literatuur elders gepubliceerd
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Bastin, Y., Beeckman, H., Cornelissen, E., Fernandez-Alonso, M., Gansemans, J., Huysmans, C., Janssens, B., Kennes, E., Lavreau, J., Louette, M., Maniacky, J., Omasombo, J., Tack, L., Trefois, P., Van Bockhaven, V., Van Schuylenbergh, P. & Vanhee, H. 2004. ‘Nature and culture in the Democratic Republic of Congo’. Nature and culture in the Democratic Republic of Congo. 34. Tervuren : Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika, pp. 19-34.
Chapter in an edited book / Article in an edited book
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