KMMA literatuur elders gepubliceerd
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Vanhove, M., Snoeks, J., Bamps, J., Gelnar, M., Grégoir, A., Hablützel, P., Jorissen, M., Kmentová , N., Koblmüller, S., Mendlová, M., Muterezi Bukinga, F., Pariselle, A., Prikrylová, I., Raeymaekers, J., Rahmouni, I., Rehulkova, E., Simková, A., Sturmbauer, C., Van Sever, W., Van Steenberge, M., Volckaert, F., Vreven, E. & Huyse, T. 2015. ‘Central African cichlid parasites: exploring their biodiversity, phylogeny, ecology and introductions’. Cichlid Science 2015. Book of abstracts. Graz : University of Graz.
Conference abstract
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