
Benoît Smets

Natuurlijke risico’s
  • Calais, E.,  d'Oreye, N.,  Albaric, J.,  Deschamps, A.,  Delvaux, D.,  Déverchère, J.,  Ebinger, C.,  Wambura, R.F.,  Kervyn, F.,  Macheyeki, A.S.,  Oyen, A.,  Saria, E.,  Smets, B.,  Stamps, D.S. & Wauthier, C. 2008. ‘Aseismic strain accommodation by dyking in a youthful continental rift, East Africa’. Nature 456, 7223, 11 December 2008: 783-787. DOI: 10.1038/nature07478. URL:  I.F. 30.98.
  • Smets, B.,  Theys, N.,  d'Oreye, N.,  Kern, C.,  Barrière, J.,  Brenot, H.,  Delhaye, L.Kervyn, F. & Smittarello, D. 2022. ‘VeRSUS - Open-Vent Volcano Remote Sensing Monitoring Using Spaceborne Imagery (STEREO III Programme, Project N°SR/00/382). Final Report’. 48 p.
  • Dewitte, O.,  Depicker, A.,  Mboga, N.,  Smets, B.Michellier, C.Deijns, A.A.JZwiener, T.Laghmouch, M.,  Lennert, M.,  Jacobs, L.,  Kervyn, F.,  Van Rompaey, A.,  Vanhuysse, S.,  Govers, G. & Wolff, E. 2022. Historical aerial Photographs and ArchiveS to assess Environmental Changes in Central Africa. Brussels : Belgian Science Policy Office. 81 p.
  • Nobile, A.,  Smets, B.,  Geirsson, H.,  Subira, J.M.,  d'Oreye, N. & Kervyn, F. 2019. ‘InSAR and GNSS ground deformation along the Kivu segment of the East African Rift during the 2011-2012 Nyamulagira eruption’. Rift Volc Conference. Book of abstracts. Hawassa, Ethiopia.
  • Smets, B.,  Wauthier, C.,  Dille, A.,  Paris, R.,  Samyn, D.,  d'Oreye, N. & Kervyn, F. 2018. ‘Monitoring ground deformation and lava accumulation in volcanic craters using UAS image acquisitions and 4D photogrammetry’. AGU Fall Meeting. Book of abstracts. Washington D.C., U.S.A.
  • Smets, B.,  d'Oreye, N.,  Derauw, D. & Kervyn, F. 2018. ‘Combining Satellite, Airborne and Ground-Based Remote Sensing Techniques to Study the Lava Lake Activity of Nyiragongo Volcano (North Kivu, D.R. Congo)’. Grande Conférence sur la Géologie du Congo. Book of abstracts. Kinshasa, D.R. Congo.
  • Smets, B.Michellier, C.,  Syavulisembo, A.M.,  Mungunga, G.,  d'Oreye, N. & Kervyn, F. 2018. ‘Very high-resolution imaging of the city of Goma (North Kivu, D.R. Congo) using SfM-MVS photogrammetry’. Grande Conférence sur la Géologie du Congo. Book of abstracts. Kinshasa, D.R. Congo.
  • Smets, B.,  Kasereka, M.,  Kies, A.,  Tedesco, D. & Yalire, M. 2018. ‘The “mazuku hazard” in the Goma region, D.R. Congo’. Grande Conférence sur la Géologie du Congo. Book of abstracts. Kinshasa, D.R. Congo.
  • Smets, B.,  Steyaert, L.,  Michellier, C.,  Syavulisembo, A.M.,  Mungunga, G.,  Barrière, J.,  d'Oreye, N. & Kervyn, F. 2018. ‘Significant improvements provided by SfM-MVS photogrammetry for the study of active volcanism and related hazards and risks in the Virunga Volcanic Province’. Geologica Belgica 2018. Book of abstracts. Leuven, Belgium.
  • Oth, A.,  Samsonov, S.,  Kervyn, F.,  d'Oreye, N.,  Barrière, J.,  Derauw, D.,  Geirsson, H. & Smets, B. 2018. ‘Lava lake level changes measured by times series of SAR amplitude: a proxy for pressure changes in the magmatic system at active volcanoes’. Cities on Volcanoes 10. Book of abstracts. Naples, Italy.