Acari Collection & Systematics

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Browse by 'Collector' starting with letter 'L' : 1812 specimens found in the database

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Reg nb Full Name Collected by on Determinated by in
84463 Allothrombium athleticum Berlese Leleup N. 111.955 André M. 1963
84128 Coccothrombium bipectinatum (Trägardh) Leleup N. 111.955 André M.
84130 Allothrombium cursorium Berlese Leleup N. 111.955 André M. 1963
84131 Carpothrombium carduigerum Berlese Leleup N. 111.955 André M. 1963
124191 Allothrombium athleticum Berlese Leleup N. 121.956 André M. 1963
124205 Coccothrombium bipectinatum (Trägardh) Leleup N. 91.953 André M. 1963
119394 Trombidiformes sp. Leleup N. 71.949
119397 Trombidiformes sp. Leleup N. 16.8.1948
119398 Trombidiformes sp. Leleup N. 71.949
119400 Trombidiformes sp. Leleup N. 1.9.1948
124211 Allothrombium arambourgi André Leleup N. 91.953 André M. 1963
124212 Pedothrombidium africanum André Leleup N. 91.953 André M. 1963
124215 Compsothrombium tegularum André Leleup N. 61.955 Andre M. 1963
150910 Galagocheles lemuricola (Lawrence) Leleup N. 24.8.1964 Fain A. 1979
147859 Calyptostoma sp. Leleup N. 29.5.1951
147860 Calyptostoma sp. Leleup N. 29.5.1951
147861 Calyptostoma sp. Leleup N. 29.5.1951
187101 Galagocheles lemuricola (Lawrence) Leleup N. 24.8.1964 Fain A. 1979
187048 Leptus leleupi Fain & Elsen, 1987 Leleup N. 7.1971 Fain & Elsen 1987
133138 Rodhainyssus miniopteri Fain, 1967 Leleup N. 30.5.1949 Fain A. 1967