Comparative Bantu Pottery Vocabulary

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  • ela"
    Language: eton Translation: goblets
  • nkak"
    Language: eton Translation: large, often non-portable legless urns used for storing water or boiling peanut cake fo r ceremonies and parties. It has a spherical-shape body, sometimes with slightly pointed base, and a wide mouth with a straight to everted neck
  • nyane"
    Language: eton Translation: basic large portable cooking and food pot. Before the introduction of metal it was used for cooking and preparing medicine. It is now primarily used for preparing bathing medicines and heating zezan, Ricinodendron heudelottei, a 'dirty' fruit, so that its hull can be opened. It is referred to as 'the mother of pots'
  • ntson"
    Language: eton Translation: smaller cooking and food pot. Before metal was used to cook sauces and prepare medicine.
  • udok"
    Language: eton Translation: smallest cooking and food pot
  • ipesle-i
    Language: eton Translation: pot sherd
  • f&5em"
    Language: ewondo Translation: (weiBe) Farbe, Kreide, weiBe Tonerde
  • es&o&a/bis&o&a"
    Language: ewondo Translation: Teller, Schüssel / assiette; contenu d'une assiette; disque de phonographe
  • mv&Kta"
    Language: ewondo Translation: Tabakspfeife, TeBm / marmite à tabac, pipe
  • et&o(k)
    Language: ewondo Translation: Medizintopf (bei den Festen gebraucht, gewöhnlich auf der Rückseite der Häuser im Busch stehend) / marmite de recette magique